The new Modus Operandi for The Food Slut
I want to write about everything that I eat.
Five minutes ago, I was sitting on the floor of my apartment, in nothing but my underwear, cutting up slightly overripe strawberries. I went back into the kitchen, grabbed some vanilla sugar and my pepper grinder. I sprinkled the sugar, cracked the pepper and tossed the berries.
I don't think I could have been any happier at that moment.
The heat of the peppers intensified the flavour of the slightly sweetened berries. It was like someone had turned the lights on in my mouth. It was warm, sweet and potent.
This is how food should be.
This is how food should be experienced.
This is why I want to write about food.
And this is how I want to write about food.
Starting right now, I am going to write, catalogue, as many things as I eat as possible.
Is this insane?
Probably, since I have a tendency to be lazy about writing.
But this is why I am doing this. To give myself motivation, incentive, reason.
Write about the things you know and love.
Five minutes I made myself probably one of the most amazing sandwhiches I have ever eaten. It woke me up to what food should be, what it is.
I had started to become lazy in my production of food. eat this, work now.
I would get more delight in the concept of food, in its acquisiton and buying, than in its execution, it's raison d'etre. Fuel for the soul, more than fuel for the body.
The sandwhich was made of as follows:
Two pieces sourdough bread
Two pieces of gouda (preferably artisanal, as the taste is more pronounced and better balanced)
Cranberry mustard
That's it.
Take two pieces of bread and slather with a small amount of cranberry mustard. Place gouda on bread. Add a few sprigs of dill. Eat.
Simplicity in itself.
The complexities of flavours, the sweetness of the mustard, mingled with the heady and strong taste of the dill were unusual at first, but only because dill is such an uncommon flavour to me. Upon the second bite however, I was bowled over. The intensity of flavours, mellowed by the slightly salty cheese was beyond compare.
I am in love again.
Recent discoveries.
Ben Shaw's amazing drinks.

I discovered Ben Shaw's cloudy lemonade a few months ago in a local market. It's the only place in the city that carries it. I have recently become enamoured with lemonade, freshly made or any reasonable facsimilie. Tropicana makes a good lemonade, but Ben Shaw's lightly sparkling lemonade is clean, tart yet slightly sweet and perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Every single person I know who has tried it has fallen in love with. From foodies to drinnk guzzlers, all agree, it is probably the best commerically produced lemonade.

Apparently a common beverage in England, Burdock and dandelion soft drinks are a relatively new phenomenon in north america.
But I hope for their sake it grows here and becomes more than just a possible fad. Not too sweet, sligthly reminiscent of cream soda and root beer all at once, the drink is almost ambrosial in its delicate flavour. Perfect for kids and adults alike.
Find it and try it now.
I enjoyed reading this, Simon. I'll check the site often for updates.
You do this well. I'm glad you're back at it.
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